Ah Canadian winter.
A time for reflection and hibernation as the temperature dips below -20° Celsius. This kind of cold penetrates to the bone and makes you shiver for many minutes when you come inside from it. Not exactly conducive to automobile-related fun unless you have a set of Hakkapeliittas and don't care about getting road salt in every nook and cranny.
That's not me.
As you know, I'm a tad fastidious about my cars, and I cringe at the thought of what a session of Ontario road salt combined with the freeze / thaw temperatures we get here would do to my gorgeous Boxster. Not only the Carmine Red paintwork, but also all the underpinnings, wheel arches, frame, etc. No thanks!
So, instead of driving, thoughts turn to other things I can do during the winter months, and here's one. Andrew worked his magic with his sticker-skills (you may remember all his work to create the
GTS Chronicles logo way back) and created unique celebratory stickers for each of us commemorating the fine European Delivery experience we had. Hard to believe it will be two years ago this summer!
The garage hovers above zero, around 10° Celsius when it's not too bone-chilling outside (like tonight), so I took the opportunity to crack open the Boxster cabin and 'install' the new sticker in place on the inside of the windshield. It's a bit finicky getting the paper backing off the sticker, so the first attempt is a little damaged on the edge, but I have several copies, so when it warms up a bit and the vinyl becomes a little more pliable, I will reapply a fresh one. But for now, this one will do.
Looks good (he got pretty darn close to Carmine Red if you ask me) and it's a lovely reminder of that epic trip that we shared.
Thanks Andrew!
~ Luke