5 Months to (Re)launch


That's about when the weather turns here and you get the opportunity to wake your precious sports car up from its long sleep. That's less than five full months away. True, there have been rare moments over the years when I've ventured out - I can remember taking the S2000 out one particularly dry and unseasonably warm New Year's Day - but for the most part, my GTS will remain nestled away in my garage now until April.

2023 was the year of arrival - the taste test that really whetted the appetite before having to shut it down for the duration. Now it's about anticipation of cool spring days, once the salt is gone from the roads. The time when the bark of the flat-six will antagonize the dogs across the road as I fire it up and creep out of the winter hiding place, blinking owlishly in the fresh sunshine.

Next year will be the summer of exploration; taking the car to my local haunts, comparing and contrasting it with the S2000 on the highways and byways known to me around here. Some road trips home to the Maritimes, perhaps even the Cabot Trail, are in order for sure. Mum and Dad barely got a taste during the rapid-reveal visit last month, and I want to drive the lovely route through Quebec / Maine that I've so often done in the past, in all my other sports cars.

Onwards to 2024!

~ Luke
