Finally. Finally. Finally.

I’m awake before the alarm.

The long-awaited day has arrived. On a train departing at 5:55 am, we head to London to pick up our cars.

It’s a civilized way to travel, and though the rail infrastructure in Canada pales in comparison to Europe, it’s a nice callback to the train ride from Stuttgart to Leipzig. That part of the ‘chronicle’ seems far away now, and my focus turns to the Canadian element.

1205 days. That’s how long it’s been from conception to custody here in Canada. 40 months! But what a journey it’s been. In the context of global events, just two guys setting out to buy two sports cars. But personally, a huge part of our lives these past three and a third years!

Sitting on the train writing this I’m reflecting on that journey and the fellow beside me; my long-time (and long-suffering) companion on this adventure, and on many others over our 38 years of friendship.

Feels to me like I’m kicking off the next ‘great adventure’ - that of owning this car here, at home. Not some far-flung (and amazing) highways and byways of Europe, but here - on the streets where I live. There will be new avenues to explore. Like the first drive to work. The first outing to Calabogie Motorsports Park. The first day trip to the Adorondacks. The first wash in my driveway. The first trip to New Brunswick. Or Wolfville. Or California. 

Friends to share this with. Family too. Sharing this is what makes it, and I can’t wait to get on with it. Three plus years ago Andrew started this, and I’m indebted to him for the experiences to date. His encouragement, gentle prodding, outright direction - all of it has brought me to this point. Sitting on a train heading to pick up MY Porsche. If I go back and look at that first note I made after I committed to the endeavour:

Nov 13, 2020

Wow. Can't believe it. I just bought a Porsche. A Porsche. I. Just. Bought. A. Brand. New. Porsche. Wow. 

Yep, the feeling still holds true. Wow indeed. So much lies ahead. This is just the beginning.

8 hours to go.

~ Luke
