Two Weeks, That's It

Yep, you read that right.

Two weeks from now I shall be lying awake in anticipation of the BIG DAY. Pretty sure I won't sleep much on that night in Leipzig before we jump into the taxi at noon on the 20th and head to the Porsche Centre where an afternoon of activities are planned for us.

Starts with a fancy lunch, then a factory tour (sadly not the Zuffenhausen facility where 718s are actually made, but still cool), then a track session and finally, towards the end of the afternoon, the delivery.

I have butterflies in my stomach already. Nervousness, excitement, self-doubt, anxiousness that it all goes as planned, you name it. There's been a lot of work to get to this point - a great deal of it by my leader in this escapade (Andrew) and I'm eternally grateful for all of his efforts and attention to detail. As you know, we've put a great many hours into all of the planning, wrangling, decision-making, back-and-forthing - dealing with each hurdle we have come across (and there have been myriads) to finally get here. Actually kind of epic, without hyperbole.

And with just a couple of weeks to go, I'm finding it's a real stomach-knot-churning time. Andrew leaves for Europe this weekend, and me just over a week later.

Hopefully (likely) all these unsettling feelings will be replaced with jubilation when the time finally arrives. I think I will have a hard time putting into words what that moment will feel like.

It will be fun to find out.

~ Luke