

I’m sitting at Ottawa International Airport, cooling off in the air conditioning. My boarding pass is printed. The aircraft is at the gate. Time to chill and let the intensity of a morning at work slough off. Three weeks now of the simple pleasures of travel with no responsibilities save connecting with friends and family through photos and texts.

I think back to the last trip like this (well, somewhat like this) and remember the joy at seeing incredible new roads, in majestic settings, behind the wheel of a modern sports car. The debriefs at night about the adventures of the day. The rough plans for the next day. Crossing little hurdles as they came along. Sampling great food, and great views. And revelling in the experiences.

This time around, an extra frisson of excitement obviously. A sense of self-indulgence, but also of “you only live once”. A lot of things had to come together to make this happen, not the least of which was my own will and desire. Tested often, but relatively unwavering - sitting here in the airport I can feel any of those fleeting doubts really melting away finally. Loving support of best friends -  encouragement to “go for it” and “just enjoy every moment” - that’s what’s gotten me here. With the anticipation. 

It’s like I can breathe properly again. A bit overwrought I know, but there is that sense. There will be more breathing challenges in a couple of days, but that will be more gasps of wonder rather than tight-chested nerves.

Now the moments will take over.

Here’s to a safe, happy flight, and a touchdown in Paris in just a few hours to begin the European leg proper. 

~ Luke