It's Real!

There it is.

In Carmine Red glory, sitting on the gantry at the end of the Porsche production line. The dream is real, in aluminum and steel, plastic and glass, and whatever else goes into these incredible machines. Now it is tangible. Now there's a real car sitting in a warehouse in Leipzig, next to its Cayman brother, quietly awaiting our arrival.

Three long years are about to come to a head, 49 days from now. Tickets are booked. Gear checklists are being visited and revisited. The process to sell the existing cars and get the funds lined up for the new ones are well underway. Soon all that will be left to do is to wing our way to Europe and kick off the next (and most exciting) part of this adventure.

I'll be honest, I get a little choked up when I see this photo. It just looks I think that's the word. The gorgeous lines, the hints as to what it will drive like cued by the large sport wheels and the big red calipers; the front 'chin' and the little spoiler lift at the rear. And that red. The gloss! It's stunning, and for now I can only imagine it in person. What will it be like to crack open the door and slide down into the driver's seat, look out over the two front fenders and down the low, narrow hood? What will it feel like when I turn that left-hand key for the first time and hear the bark of that jewel of an engine. All the YouTube videos will not have done it justice I am sure.

I'm not sure how I'm going to sleep in the days leading up to it, but thankfully for now, there's lots to keep me busy!

Tick tock tick tock...

~ Luke