30 Days to Go

A quick check in.

Logistics being hammered out. Tickets booked. Itineraries obtained. European Delivery engaged and communicating. Hotels set up. It’s all coming together.

30 days from now and we will be sitting in our new cars. Likely grinning from ear to ear as we sample them, perhaps tentatively at first, almost reverentially I think. And then, as the kilometres flow by, the confidence will increase, the smiles will continue, and this long, long journey will have reached an epic point. 

I’m fizzing inside, everything on a slow boil as we tie up the last few loose ends before heading out. I want everything sorted here so I can just go and enjoy. Free from the day to day rat race or work, with only the cars and the connections to family and best friends back home who eagerly await our return, full of memories and thrills and stories to tell.

Can hardly wait. 

~ Luke