So Close...

My nerves are on edge.

"Why?" you might well ask, with a new Porsche in the offing, and a confirmed delivery date in July, less than two months from now.

Well because the darn thing isn't built yet. I know, I know, it only takes them 3-4 days to actually put one of these incredible machines together; a pretty stunning display of technical and supply-chain competence, just-in-time manufacturing, whatever you want to call it.

They even go so far as to give you updates via their web-app "Track Your Dream" where you can see the milestones pass on or around the projected dates they give you.

  • Vehicle selected for production
  • Vehicle fixed (order has locked)
  • Vehicle has entered the body shop
  • Vehicle completion
I've gotten the confirmation that "manufacturing has started", and when Andrew's Cayman was built, it was but a mere three days from that point to the car being done and photos being sent to him of it. Very exciting!

So I'm right on that cusp myself - production started on Wednesday, it's Friday now and I'm nervously waiting for all signs to point to "V300: Production Complete". But it's nerve-wracking waiting, after all the ups and downs of the previous almost-three years - to be so close!

A good reminder that the delivery date is fixed in July and that's only a mere 55 days away.

Just. A. little. more. Patience.

~ Luke