100 Days

100 days.

It's an arbitrary milestone, to be sure, but exactly 100 days until the scheduled pickup in Leipzig feels like something meaningful, regardless.

Deep in the back of my mind is trepidation about the date as my car has not yet been built. Nervousness around what else can happen to get in the way of this. We've been through so many (albeit first-world) problems over the journey, that I'm experiencing a frisson of unease that will only be cured when I see actual movement in my timeline via the TYD app and it's back end data.

We watched Andrew's Cayman progress through the steps, from V200 (Vehicle Delivery Date Confirmed) through to V300 (Vehicle Completion), and even to see that it had been transported from Stuttgart to Leipzig in anticipation of our delivery. It was immensely satisfying to do that, and to see the images appear showing HIS car in various stages of completion, so I'm anxiously awaiting the same treatment for mine.

The next step, V250 (Order has Locked) is supposed to be April 27, so I will be keeping a sharp eye on things leading up to that point. There is always some movement in and around the milestone dates, up to the point of production start, so fingers crossed it all pans out as anticipated.

It's like we're in the final laps of a massive endurance race, driving smoothly and hypersensitive to every little nuance from the car, praying nothing breaks before the finish line!

Fingers crossed...

~ Luke