Mists are Clearing


Like the opposite of the ice on the Rideau Canal (sadly for those of us who like skating outdoors), things are firming up for us.

We had a great chat with Christina The Salesperson yesterday that clarified the rather confusing language she had forwarded on to us from Porsche around European Delivery. It's a conversation she has to have every time, apparently, which makes me think that they really should do a better job of pre-empting the inevitable questions. We'd gone in to meet with her with all sorts of questions and concerns about ED, all of which she had anticipated from past experience.

Anyway, the end result is that it's clear that our delivery date is July 20, and it will happen together, for both of us, so mission accomplished there. This means we can now move ahead with properly planning for the trip - at last!

I think the last cobwebs of concern about this not happening have been blown away - reassurances from Christina The Salesperson, confirmations from Porsche, and code changes behind the scenes in the back end of the TYD web app (thanks to Andrew's web sleuthing) all contributing to it solidifying.

There are many next steps, but the most immediate is to lock down the trip duration and get the holiday time secured.

Onward with much enthusiasm (unlike a year ago when we had faint hope of allocations and were rather frustrated and resigned).

Porsches in July 2023!

~ Luke