Lock-in ASAP? Done.

Solid now.

Seems like the time pressures are on, as after only just being told to get out builds locked for February 17th (instead of what was April 25 for me!), we then get an email 'push' from Christina The Salesperson to respond ASAP as it is 'time-sensitive'.

A quick breakfast meeting confirms the builds and we send acknowledgement off, locking us in with our current specs. No more messing with the configurator now - we are done. Not that that is an issue, as we've both been very happy with our selections for a long time now.

Still, another solid checkmark in the 'things that need to happen before all of this becomes real' list. Discussion ensues as to the meaning of the change in dates, as we wonder if this means things behind the scenes may move faster. It seems like getting the builds locked in is an essential step in getting Porsche committed to a specific date for ED, but there's some confusion in our minds as well, as the information shared with us could also be interpreted to read that nothing is solid until the cars are actually built.

Which, in the case of my car, currently, isn't indicated until May 31. Not exactly optimal for trying to plan a complex ED for the GTS Chronicles given the desire to have some crew people along for filming. A meeting with Christina The Salesperson will ensue in short order to try and clear up some of the confusion for sure.

But suffice it to say for now, things continue to progress, and after all the months of seeming inaction and no updates because nothing has changed, this is most welcome.

Stay tuned...

~ Luke