Winter Finally Arrives

"There’s precious little out there, if anything, that’s so intuitive or natural to drive."

Winter has finally hit here.

No more taking the S2000 for a quick trip around the block. I have officially put it away for the winter, but we've barely had any cold or snow. Although Dad reminded me that last year was similar up to Christmas, and then we got hammered in January / February. Still, it's already January 21 and really have only just had our first big snow, and it's hovering around freezing. So, can't really complain. Even if February is cold and snowy, the days are getting longer.

And of course all that means we are closer to summer! No European Delivery date firmed up yet, and we are a little nervous because the US is reporting that all of their ED slots are full for this year, but our Porsche insider Dave feels because of our confirmed ED status, we are solid. As in, it WILL happen. Canada is a separate schedule than the US so....our dealer is working to try and get the two cars delivered earlier, as we would hope to avoid busy August in Europe and all those congested twisties.

The fly in the ointment is the scheduled builds of our cars. While Andrew's is due to be completed at the beginning of April, mine isn't leaving the factory until the end of May as it stands right now. Hopefully they can move the building of the cars closer together. I'm sure they will want to avoid having to store the Cayman for too long while the Boxster is being built. We shall see.

In the meantime, configurator review happens daily, as we head towards freeze dates. A few tiny things to land on, but nothing major. Should I go for the pre-wire for a dash cam? Should Andrew get the carbon-fibre shifter? Decisions, decisions.

Compared to last year, and the year before(!), these are nice problems to have.

No longer IF, but WHEN?


~ Luke