Lock-in Discussions

“Grips like hell, handles like heaven, steers like the Almighty designed the steering racks.”

The year of the Porsche(s) is a month in. And that means only one month until one of our builds has to lock. Andrew’s Cayman

So, in the absence of other news from Porsche, (like European delivery dates, for example), we spend time going back-and-forth over the minutia of the Cayman.

I’ll say this for Porsche, their delivery timeline allows for much revisitation of one’s design, how much opportunity for changing options, and spending more money!

Not that there is anything fundamental that either of us will change about our builds; we have been happy with them for many many many months now. It’s a relief not to have to continually think about every little thing. Once Andrew’s build is locked that’s pretty much it since we are agreed that both cars will be 90% similar. In fact, we are thinking of making it a game for our friends to see if they can. “spot the differences”. 

The thing we are hoping for most, of course, is that our dealership will be able to work to getting the factory to produce my car sooner, in an effort for us to have an earlier European delivery date and avoid the congestion of August European roads. Right now my car is scheduled for completion almost 3 months later than the Cayman. That means Porsche has the store that car for a few months while mine is built and then the waiting period for European Delivery kicks in.

We should know sometime in the next month or so what the dates will look like.

For now, it’s a final few looks at the configurator for the Cayman – pondering the benefits of lane change assist as an option that has some functional value.

That sort of thing. 

~ Luke