Oh the Markets...

"Love this car. Perfect amount of power. Never discover something that feels like it hasn't been thought through. Sign me up."

Ugh ugh ugh.

2022 has not been a good year for the Porsche fund. I shall hope for some strong gains between now and delivery time to ease the pain of a 20% drop in value over the past 12 months.

What goes down must come up, right?

Things were financially waaaay brighter back when this whole dream ignited, so it's a bit hard to stomach right now - worldwide market volatility (thanks to COVID and Putin particularly) is playing havoc with my portfolio.

Staying the course is the way forward, but much more of this will jeopardize the end-goal, and I really don't want to countenance that, not after what we've been through to get to this point!

Onwards and (hopefully) upwards!

~ Luke