Occupying the Time

"If you are a genuine automotive enthusiast seeking one of the world’s finest sports cars comfortable enough to be driven daily, this is the benchmark that you have been pursuing."

So what does one do while when is waiting?

Luckily (?) Porsche gives you toys to play with while you are waiting. Endless possible choices using the online configurator are enough to while away the days. 

Much has been narrowed down over the months. Many discussions had. Many choices made. And remade. Revisited and changed. And changed again. But with the thought of the possibility of allocations landing soon now (dare we hope), some close-to-final decisions need to be made.

It’s not clear that we will have the usual several months between allocation and “freeze date” as Porsche seems to be playing fast and loose with delivery schedules. To be expected, I suppose, given their challenges getting all the components needed to make all the different variants. 

So, it seems wise to “lock down” my choices for options based on the current configuration. A decent percentage of options is needed to make one’s “build” more attractive to the allocation decision-makers, and between us and our dealership, we think we’ve come up with a suitable mix.

There’s really only one decision left to make, but it’s an important one. I think most people would agree that the wheels on a car are a striking component of its visual identity. Maybe not when asked about it, but I bet when presented with similar cars with different wheels, they would have preferences.

So, two choices for me. Conflated with a third option. First are the stock 20” GTS wheels, painted in silver. Technically, stock are actually black, as part of that whole blacked-out GTS look Porsche has decided upon, but that’s not an option for me - can’t stand black wheels. They are S2000-like, and from many angles look great, with one niggling concern for me, that side-on, they look a bit…spindly.

Next up are the optional 20” Carrera Sport wheels. They cost more, which makes the build more attractive, and they don’t suffer from thin spoke-ness whatsoever. They are two-toned, and look rather special, with some nice detail where the inset darker colour meets the lighter outer rim.

I lean towards the 5-spokers as they feel more classic, sporty to me…

Which brings me to the third fly in the ointment. If I had my druthers, I’d be able to order the 19” 5-spoke wheels from the Cayman S, as I think they look best of all  Not to mention, they are a bit lighter, and the tires would be too. 

But, you can’t. So I’d have to source some used after the fact. It’s possible. I've seen a few sets very occasionally out there. But it's a risk. If I were to take that risk, I’d best get the stock silver ones new with the car.

Choices choices...  

~ Luke