Heading into Fall

"It boasts a joyous flat-six sound and a manual transmission so perfect you'll forget automatics exist."

Oh well, it's the last day of summer, another summer without a 718.  Not to worry though as 2023 will be THE year. Wait, didn't I say that last year?

Actually my post title for this time last year was "Meh Meh Meh". This time around it's that with a frisson more of annoyance and a soupçon more of resignation. Heading into another winter and all…

We're keeping up with our 'Porsche Pints' where we sit at the pub and talk about all things Porsche, and generally boost each others' spirits. It's quiet from our dealer, which is expected as they really have got no news to give. But the forums are lively as people start receiving cars they ordered a long, long time ago, particularly in the US. It's somehow pleasing to hear others' delight at finally getting their cars, and makes me salivate at the thought of that day for us.

For now though, it's almost time to put away the summer toys, so the S2000 will go into hibernation for another winter and this year I have a sailboat to put away as well so I can't really complain too much, can I? Days out on the river have replaced days out on twisty roads for the past month, and it's been quite lovely. The Laser II is something of a sports car on the water, so it's at least fulfilling a small part of my 718 driving needs. That's not to forget the S2000 either as that's still a blast to drive.

This summer around though, Andrew and I have not put many miles on our respective sports cars really. Lots of focus on The GTS Chronicles content-creation and keeping the miles down on the cars. I don't particularly want to have to buy a new set of 17" summer tires for the S2000 if I can help it. As a last gasp of the season we are heading to Calabogie on the weekend for a lapping evening, but I suspect I shall just tool around a bit and not put too much effort into it. I have to confess I don't really want to put a ton more kilometres on the S2000 in the hopes that I will be selling it in the spring!

It's been a faithful companion for many years, but it really is time for a change. We've got quite a bit of hope that as we head into the fall, we will see a full round of allocations start to flow. I've been reading mumblings from other posters that there are no more allocations to come in Canada this year, but who knows? We don't really want to get our cars in the middle of the winter anyway, and the end of Nov/Dec cycle is kinda the end of the year, so after that will be just fine. Just not long after that dammit. October marks 15 months of waiting since we ordered our GTSs, and (horrors) two full years since we signed our first purchase orders! And a full year since we found out we were number 1 in line with our dealer!!!!

At this point in time I simply can’t imagine Porsche continually skipping over us to give allocations to other people who are behind us in line. I mean, would they do that ad infinitum and we would never get cars? I can't believe that. Obviously Porsche is in the business of selling cars, and 2022 is going to be a rough year for them given all of their inabilities to meet demand. They certainly don't want bad press about not being able to give customers their cars especially when orders have been in place for so long, particularly because of the impending IPO. So that, plus a new factory opening up, plus extra shifts, plus some people jumping ship and giving up on their hopes of getting an allocation…all of that keeps me hopeful.

It's not like there's really an alternative either, so staying the course is the way to go. Just tests the limits of even MY patience (and I'm an extremely patient person as anyone who knows me will say).

So, stay the course and keep on hoping for that call…otherwise it's gonna be a LONG winter. 

~ Luke