Baubles and Bolt-ons

"The driving experience ranks among the very best sports cars I've ever tested, full stop."

In the interest of keeping things light in what could easily be a continued succession of grim conversations about the lack of Porsche allocations, we've taken our design for The GTS Chronicles and put it onto some flags. Gonna fly them from the masthead on the boat just for fun. You'll likely see an Instagram post about it soon, as we will try filming while sailing along with flags flying, from the drone. Should be a good challenge. Again, something to occupy our hands and minds.

We'll take the flags with us on mountain hikes and biking around as well, all in the name of keeping The GTS Chronicles alive and well. Along the same lines, Andrew got some swag made too so we can leave a mark when we talk with Porsche people.

We will hopefully chat with our dealership sometime soon, and perhaps have a catch-up with the European Delivery folks. Our dialogue with Dave in Detroit continues to give us hope, as he's very keen on getting us connected with the right people to get on board to tell our story. We will have to give him a mug at the very least!

So we shall keep it all up. I mean, what else are we gonna do?

~ Luke